Planning your day for bad weather is the best approach and here are a few things to think about when working out that all-important rainy wet weather wedding day.
1) Umbrella To The Rescue
Jump on Amazon or shop locally for a few umbrellas and embrace the rainy wedding weather, here are a few points that can make umbrellas cool on your wedding day.
- Umbrella wedding shots can look awesome and can provide something different in your wedding photos.
- Make sure you get some umbrellas that match the theme of your day.
- If you have a theme colour like yellow, blue or pink, then make sure to grab a few matching ones in advance.
- You can always use a slightly different colour variation for the newlyweds.
- If it’s just a light sprinkle of rain between shots, get your best men to hold them over you, and another one over the photographer 🙂
- Get a few extra for the main bridal party to hand out during any outdoor group shots.
- Grab a few towels for the guests to dry on after the rainy shots.
2) Inform Your Guests About Rain On Your Wedding Day
It’s a good idea to inform your guests in advance that it might just rain on your wedding day and I know for sure that they will appreciate the advanced warning, the chances are that they have already checked out the local forecast as well. Your guests will probably all have a mix of bright, colourful umbrellas which can make a tremendous vibrant sea of colour for a group shot (a bit like the intro to friends but without the sofa or fountain!). But if you are prepared in advance to try and source a selection of umbrellas that match your wedding day theme. I do carry a small number of clear umbrellas for just in case, but colour matched ones can look quite cool.
3) Speak To The Venue – A Plan For Rain
The wedding venue will almost certainly have held many wet weather weddings and will want to make sure you have a great day with them. So make sure you speak with them in advance to see what arrangements they would typically make on such days, they will probably say that most guests do group shots here, you can use the stairs or these hotel areas for bridal portraits etc. Just ask them about a possible ‘Plan B’, and remember they are used to this happening… also, remember to tell the photographer too 🙂 . However, I will always hunt out the venue event organiser and make some arrangements of my own, so we guarantee to get a good number of images on the big day.
If you are planning a completely outdoor wedding then this should be a No.1 priority with regards to a plan B, again the venue should be prepared for what to do if it rains on your wedding day.
4) What About My Hair & Makeup When It Rains?
Hair and Makeup are always going to be a big concern for most brides, and I would suggest that you speak to your makeup and hairstylist and ask for them to waterproof your makeup and prepare your hair so it can’t fall apart in the rain and wind. For the Groom, if you are fortunate enough not to have hair then happy days, but otherwise aim for a style that won’t go too frizzy, being a Mr baldy head myself I can’t offer much advice here, but when I did have hair. I won’t go into that!
5) Stay Positive In The Rain
I hope you found this little blog article helpful, and remember, embrace the day whatever the weather brings, you will be buzzing so much from the excitement of the day, too much to worry about a bit of rain, stay positive and go with the flow! So to speak!
- External Link: BBC weather checker
- External Link: Clear Umbrellas – Pack of 4